Consent Banner for Mobile Apps

Increase trust through privacy-centric mobile app experiences

Give your app users transparency and control over what data is collected about them. Cookie Information’s consent banner lets you collect and manage user consents so you can provide a trusted app experience and comply with privacy laws like GDPR, CCPA, and Google’s EU user consent policy.

Enables your compliance with privacy laws and app store policies

Protects your app users’ privacy and increases trust in your brand

Enables transparent and meaningful data collection

Secure your compliance with privacy laws and prevent app store rejection

The consent banner collects user consents for tracking SDKs, data processing and makes it easy for your app users to control what data you collect. Enables your mobile app to comply with privacy laws like GDPR, CCPA, Google’s EU user consent policy, and app store policies. Helps you pass app store reviews and ensures your app stays available for download.

Improve your marketing efforts with a seamless Google Consent Mode v2 integration

To ensure the quality of your marketing audiences and measurements, it’s crucial to correctly implement Consent Mode v2.
Cookie Information’s Consent Banner for Mobile Apps seamlessly integrates with Consent Mode v2, helping you improve your marketing reporting, attribution, and bidding strategies.


Easy to implement, easy to maintain

With support and documentation, your developers save time and resources by integrating a proven Mobile App Consent SDK. Available in many languages so you can support your operations in diverse cultures and markets. Works on both iOS and Android.


Collects your app users’ consents and offer transparency about your app’s data collection

Works on both iOS and Android
Customizable consent pop-up to fit your app’s brand design

Enables your compliance with GDPR, CCPA, and Google’s EU user consent policy

Collects consent for SDK’s, newsletters, age restrictions, terms of service and much more – stored on secure servers
Seamless integration with Google Consent Mode v2 so you can improve your marketing efforts
Respect user privacy without compromising your marketing goals. Get your Consent Banner for Mobile App today.